In this blog, third year History student Pauline Standley looks back on university life over the past few months, and outlines the exciting events UoP’s student-led History Society have planned for the new year.
Now that 2022 has come safely to a close and the prospects of the new year are at the forefront of our minds – what better thing to do than reflect on our successes of TB1 and the exciting upcoming events we envision welcoming in TB2!
Over the last couple of months, we entered the academic year of 2022-2023 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, hopeful, and ready to take on the hurdles of navigating university life. Speaking from the perspective of a third year, it’s safe to say we’re looking a little less glamorous and more… sporting anything comfortable, glaring at the blinking cursor on our word documents, and probably one-too-many coffees down. However, the University of Portsmouth History Society has been (and will continue to be) a saving grace in ensuring our work-life balance lives on. We take pride that our society has created a safe and comfortable environment which has seen discussion, chats, laughs and even debates but, most importantly, a place which allows us to find comfort in knowing we’re all in the same boat.
It has also provided great opportunities for the administrators to gain experience in organizing and coordinating plans for all our lovely members to enjoy. To name a few examples, our amazing Charlotte Careford is the mastermind behind our successful student Purple Wednesday’s down at Popworld, not to mention the hilariously brilliant themes that came along with them. We’ve also had the luxury of having an insightful and exclusive lecture held by Dr Lee Sartain regarding his research on the Civil Rights Movement Era in the U.S., as arranged by Mehmet Ersozlu. Most recently, we’ve all gathered at the Guildhall Village for some Christmas grub and some laughs, organized by myself (Pauline).
So, you may be thinking; what have we got in store for 2023? Here are some examples of what we’re excited for:
- More Purple Wednesdays!
- Quiz Night: Historian’s Edition
- Cinema Outing! (We might not get Killers of the Flower Moon, Oppenheimer, or Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3 in time, so Cocaine Bear anyone!?)
- Perhaps even a student-staff social!
We have lots to look forward to this year, and we know that we will all need some much-deserved time to unwind. If you are a student at the University of Portsmouth and are interested in History, you are always welcome, no matter how fleeting your visit! It’s never too late to get involved on any level – we welcome your ideas and your participation!
You can find us on Facebook – where you can find some of our history-related content and updates on what we’ve been up to and what is to come! You can also send us a message to get added to our WhatsApp Group.
Thank you for reading; we hope to hear from you soon! 😊