
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

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university library

New University Library online archives available now!

New via the University Library –  two History online archives! New! Gender: Identity and Social Change   http://www.genderidentityandsocialchange.amdigital.co.uk/   Members of the University can access a great new resource which the library has bought.  You will find primary sources, including images, about gender roles from the 19th century to the present. The collection offers sources for the study of women’s suffrage, the feminist movement, the men’s movement, employment, education, the body, the family etc. in the UK, USA and Australia. New! Greatly expanded access to State Papers Online https://capitadiscovery.co.uk/port/items/1107978 Following on from our popular access to Tudor and Stuart State Papers, the library has now bought access to 18th Century State […]

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History Research Seminars Winter/Spring 2018

Every year, the History team at Portsmouth organise a series of research seminars that take place across the autumn, winter and spring terms. Historians are invited from a range of institutions, both in Britain and abroad, to talk about their latest research projects. The subjects presented cover a broad historical timespan and offer insight into a diverse range of topics. This winter/spring there will be talks on the 1924 Pageant of Empire, women’s history, black abolitionist campaigners, neighbourliness and gossip in the Tudor period, and convict workers in Britain’s imperial dockyards. All are welcome to attend. Winter 2018   Wednesday 17th January, 4:00-5:30pm. Room: Burnaby Building 1.25 The 1924 Pageant of Empire: Modernity, spectacle […]

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Part of an academic’s life: helping new scholars

In this post, Dr Mike Esbester, Senior Lecturer in History, thinks about how we help PhD students and Early Career Researchers as they immerse themselves in the academic research community. Mike’s research focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain, particularly on the cultural history of safety, risk and accident prevention, and on the history of mobility. He has been working on the ‘Railway, Life & Death‘ project in conjunction with the National Railway Museum. A database that details the stories of nearly 4,000 individuals who were killed or injured at work, is available online.  There’s been some discussion recently on Twitter about how established academics treat our up-and-coming colleagues – particularly PhD students and […]

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History Research Seminars Autumn 2017

Every year, the History team at Portsmouth organise a series of research seminars that take place across the autumn and spring terms. Historians are invited from a range of institutions, both in Britain and abroad, to talk about their latest research projects. The subjects presented cover a broad historical timespan and offer insight into a diverse range of topics. This autumn features talks on society’s visions of future warfare, the representation of the 1549 Western Rebellion, and the role of clothing consumption in seventeenth century Sussex. All are welcome to attend. Autumn 2017 Wednesday 18th October, 3:30-5:00pm. Room: Burnaby Building 1.25 Sleepwalking to the Precipice: The failure to predict the nature of future […]

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Historical Association (Portsmouth Branch) lecture programme 2017-18

Dr James Thomas, Reader in History at the University of Portsmouth, coordinates events for the Portsmouth Branch of the Historical Association.  Talks meet in the University’s Park Building, room 2.07, at 7.00 pm and finish by 8.30 pm.  There are some exciting talks coming up, including, on the 14th November, one on the Russian Revolution, by our School’s own Dr Paul Flenley For further details, contact James.Thomas@port.ac.uk or search the Historical Association website at: https://www.history.org.uk/events/categories/511/resource/4361/portsmouth-branch-history All welcome.  Hope to see you there!   2017 10th October Operation Tadpole, Dr John Bevan, the Diving Museum, diver and author The British anti-sabotage operations against the Italin frogmen attacks in Gibraltar during WWII. […]

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1914 SM p.38, platelayer edit

The dangers of railway work documented

In this blog, Dr Mike Esbester, senior lecturer in history, provides an update on the ‘Railway, Life & Death‘ project he has been working on in conjunction with the National Railway Museum. A database that details the stories of nearly 4,000 individuals who were killed or injured at work, including 16-year old James Beck, who Mike discussed briefly in an earlier blog (http://history.port.ac.uk/?p=315), is now available online.  Mike’s research focuses on the cultural history of safety, risk and accident prevention in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The ‘Railway Work, Life & Death’ project has just made available the database of nearly 4,000 individuals killed or injured at work on the […]

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