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Marseille 1A

Summer vacation 2020: a virtual tour round Marseille

In this post, PhD student and Gale ambassador Megan Ison shows that even under lockdown conditions, our horizons need not be limited, as she takes us on a virtual vacation in France, using Gale primary sources, to get us in the mood for that holiday we plan to take, next year … Summer 2020 – a vacation period with a difference After a busy exam season each May, students up and down the country look forward to long summer vacations. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we can’t catch a flight this summer holiday.  Excitingly, Gale Primary Sources, an online database of digitalised primary sources, allows you to still explore your cancelled holiday […]

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Alex Symonds pic cropped

Putting a positive spin on war-time evacuation

In this blog post, second-year history student Alex Symonds looks at a diary from World War II, now in the Imperial War museum.  The diary, apparently a joint effort by three girl guides, was probably intended for public consumption, and thus downplays the negative impact of war-time life for evacuees. The evacuation of British children in World War II is often depicted as a negative experience for everyone involved.  Children who had never even left their home towns suddenly had to adapt to life in the countryside and living with strangers, while their host families were confronted with dirty, disease-riddled children who were nothing like they had ever seen before.[1] […]

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My Experiences with Learning Development

Cameron Meeten, who is studying for a master’s degree in naval history, encourages all students to take advantage of the services offered by our learning development tutors.  Although not at the moment able to meet students face to face, the learning development tutors can still offer plenty of advice by online methods. Learning development is one of the most valuable resources at the university and I implore all SASHPL students to take advantage of the guidance available. Learning development offer personal guidance in the development of academic skills and have something to offer all students regardless of where they are in the process of their degree.[1] Whilst attending the Student […]

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Historical Association, Portsmouth Branch – Upcoming Lectures

The Historical Association in Portsmouth every year hosts a series of lectures by leading historians.  All lectures begin at 7.00pm, finish by 8.30pm, and are held in Room 2/07, Park Building, University of Portsmouth, King Henry I Street, Portsmouth PO1 2DZ.  Lectures cost £5 for members, £1 for visitors, and are free for students. For further information please contact see: Historical Association, Portsmouth Tuesday 11 February 2020 ‘After Bletchley Park: GCHQ From 1945 to Now’ Speaker: Professor Richard J Aldrich (University of Warwick) Tuesday 10 March 2020 ‘Joan of Arc: Woman, Warrior, Witch’ Speaker: Professor Anne Curry (University of Southampton) Tuesday 12 May 2020 ‘“Those Fancy Liquors/And Sky-High Kickers”: Skirt Dancing, Cancan, […]

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