
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

Tag Archives | Historical Association

Rob and Eleanor

Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence

In this blog Dr Rob James, Senior Lecturer in History, reviews the activities final year student Eleanor Doyle has undertaken as an undergraduate at Portsmouth, for which she deservedly won recognition at the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence on Tuesday 2nd April 2019. Eleanor was the recipient of a V-C Award for Excellence for all the work she has done enhancing the student experience while simultaneously promoting the university to educational and industry bodies. Also winning a V-C Commendation at the same event was our Dr Karl Bell, Reader in Cultural and Social History, for his work organising Darkfest, an annual creative and cultural festival, and running the Supernatural Cities project […]

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Historical Association (Portsmouth Branch) lecture programme 2017-18

Dr James Thomas, Reader in History at the University of Portsmouth, coordinates events for the Portsmouth Branch of the Historical Association.  Talks meet in the University’s Park Building, room 2.07, at 7.00 pm and finish by 8.30 pm.  There are some exciting talks coming up, including, on the 14th November, one on the Russian Revolution, by our School’s own Dr Paul Flenley For further details, contact James.Thomas@port.ac.uk or search the Historical Association website at: https://www.history.org.uk/events/categories/511/resource/4361/portsmouth-branch-history All welcome.  Hope to see you there!   2017 10th October Operation Tadpole, Dr John Bevan, the Diving Museum, diver and author The British anti-sabotage operations against the Italin frogmen attacks in Gibraltar during WWII. […]

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