It is always a proud day for us as tutors to see students we have nurtured since they were freshers step up onto the podium to receive their degrees. We love chatting to students after the ceremony to talk about their experience of the course, moved by the stories of students who have got there despite having to navigate difficult obstacles, catching up with students we taught several years ago, and hearing about what students are planning to do next. It is also great to tell students how much we appreciated some of their wonderful final year work, which hardly seemed possible when they were the ‘noisy’ group of post-covid freshers, over-excited by the new possibility of having actual human beings to learn history with.
Well done to everyone!

From left: Lee Sartain; Fiona McCall; Matt Heaslip; Tom Rodgers; Katy Gibbons; Brad Beaven; Mathias Seiter; Karl Bell; Jodi Burkett; Rob James; Mike Esbester
Here is a photo of the History team in their gowns waiting to process onto the stage. Having been to different universities, we all have different gowns, hats, sashes and hoods.
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