
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

Tag Archives | employment

1979 BSC judge poster cropped

50 Years On: the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act

Love it or hate it, you can’t escape it: the Health and Safety at Work Act has been an important part of UK working life (and wider) for 50 years. To mark its 50th anniversary, a day-long symposium was held in London on 25 November 2024: Health & Safety at Work Act – 50 years on: still fit for purpose? It was hosted by the Trade Union & Employment Forum of History & Policy, and brought together practitioners, trades unionists and academics – including the University of Portsmouth History team’s Dr Mike Esbester.  Mike’s research focuses on histories of safety, risk and accident prevention in modern Britain. Some of that has […]

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placement year

From History graduate to business co-founder

In this blog we celebrate the achievements of History graduate Callum Miller who is co-founder of ethy – a digital solutions company that allows consumers to make more responsible buying decisions, build confidence in sustainable brands, and help towards solving the climate change crisis. Callum was interviewed by our alumni engagement team about his journey from studying History at the University of Portsmouth to being co-founder of a purpose-led company, and the interview reveals how resourceful History graduates are, something also highlighted in recent studies by organisations such as the British Academy, To read Callum’s interview, ‘Restoring consumer confidence in sustainable brands’, follow this link. Well done, Callum. Great work!

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students at portsmouth

A History degree can open many doors II: A student interviews UoP History graduates

In this blog Archie Godden, recent History with American Studies graduate from Portsmouth, discusses a project he undertook as part of the second year module, ‘Working with the Past’. Archie and some of his fellow students interviewed recent UoP History graduates and asked them about their careers since graduating, Archie found out that having a degree in the Arts and Humanities has been really beneficial to them, something also highlighted in recent studies by organisations such as the British Academy, which Archie also discusses here. The module ‘Working with the Past’ is coordinated by Dr Mike Esbester. A History degree offers the potential for a vast range of jobs, so […]

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students at portsmouth

A History degree can open many doors: A student interviews UoP History graduates

In this blog Amber Braddick, recent History with American Studies graduate from Portsmouth, discusses a project she undertook as part of the second year module, ‘Working with the Past’. Amber and some of her fellow students interviewed recent UoP History graduates and asked them about their careers since graduating, Amber found out that having a degree in the Arts and Humanities has been really beneficial to them, something also highlighted in recent studies by organisations such as the British Academy, which Amber also discusses here. The module ‘Working with the Past’ is coordinated by Dr Mike Esbester. There has been a strong government emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths […]

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Windsor Castle

Life after Graduation

One of our recent graduates tells us how the skills he gained studying at Portsmouth, and the volunteer experience he gained while studying, helped him secure an exciting job in the heritage sector.  For security reasons, he has not been named. Having graduated in the summer of 2019 and with a firm understanding that it was now time to get back into the world of work, the task was on to find a job, one that both stimulated me and used the great many skills learned through the three years at Portsmouth. Upon entering university I knew that my one objective was to better myself in both educational values and […]

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