
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

Tag Archives | monstrosity

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Homosexual relationships in the time of King James I

A blog on homosexual relationships in the time of King James I was published today by our own Dr Fiona McCall in the Conversation. https://theconversation.com/mary-and-george-homosexual-relationships-in-the-time-of-king-james-i-were-forbidden-but-not-uncommon-223522 Fiona teaches the second year UoP option Underworlds: Crime, Deviance and Punishment in Britain, 1500-1900 which looks at sexual offences and attitudes in the early modern period.  Her research looks at the relationship between sex and religion during the interregnum (amongst other things).

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History Research Seminars Autumn 2018

Every year, the History team at Portsmouth organise a series of research seminars that take place across the autumn, winter and spring terms. Historians are invited from a range of institutions, both in Britain and abroad, to talk about their latest research projects. The subjects presented cover a broad historical timespan and offer insight into a diverse range of topics. This autumn there will be talks on monstrosity in the nineteenth century, ‘No Platforming’ in universities, and women’s workplace protests in the late-twentieth century. All are welcome to attend.   Wednesday 10th October, 3:00-5:00pm. Room: Milldam Building LE1.03 Monstrosity in nineteenth-century mining narratives Eilis Phillips (University of Portsmouth)   Wednesday 14th November, 3:00-5:00pm. […]

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