
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

Author Archive | Jodi Burkett

Statue of Cecil Rhodes, Oriel College, Oxford

Reimagining and decolonising higher education

Below Dr Jodi Burkett, UoP senior lecturer in late twentieth-century history, imperial history and race, writes about a conference she attendance sharing ideas for decolonising the university curriculum. Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Reimagining Higher Education: Journeys of decolonising conference held at the Institute of Education in London (thanks to SASSHPL for funds to support this!). I was attending with my colleague Bhavin Dedhia (Dentistry) to present some work that we have been doing with Lena Grinsted (Biology) to decolonise science teaching and promote inclusive teaching and learning spaces here at Portsmouth. This work is based on research that Lena undertook a few years ago which […]

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Breakup of Britain

Differential fees for overseas students

In this new post, Senior Lecturer Jodi Burkett shares a podcast in which she discusses a chapter she has written for the edited collection The Break-up of Greater Britain (MUP, 2021). Jodi’s research focuses on the cultural and social impacts of the end of the British Empire, with a particular focus on national movements like the National Union of Students, and in this podcast she reveals how the different fees charged to overseas students caused significant anger among the student community in the late-1960s. Increasing tuition fees for University students has been a way for governments to save money since, at least, the late 1960s. While most students didn’t have […]

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Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland

Dr Jodi Burkett is Principal Lecturer in History at Portsmouth, where she teaches on a range of undergraduate units, including Society and Culture in Twentieth Century Europe, Being British After the War: Continuity and Change in British National Identity, 1945-2005, and Students and Youth in Postwar Britain. Jodi researches British national identity and the legacies of empire in the postwar period, and her current work evaluates student anti-racist activism in the 1970s and 1980s. She has recently published an edited collection of chapters on Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland. See below for further details. To purchase the book click here. Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland explores the experiences and activities of students across […]

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‘Fodder for the masses’: Student recipes in the 1960s

Dr Jodi Burkett is Principal Lecturer in History at the university, and teaches across the undergraduate course including a special subject on ‘Students and Youth in postwar Britain’. She is currently doing research on student activism around issues of ‘race’, racism and anti-racism between the late 1960s and early 1990s which includes reading a lot of student newspapers. While waiting in an epic queue in the Hub, or eating your Co-op meal deal, I’m sure many of you have asked yourselves: What did students eat in the late 1960s? For many undergraduate students, going to University is the first time that they are living on their own and having to cook […]

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