
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

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The Society for Nautical Research Winter Lecture Series 2024-5

The Society for Nautical Research have announced the schedule for their forthcoming winter online lecture series. The series aims to promote research into economic, social, political, military and environmental aspects of nautical history, drawing on British, European and international experience. Our own UoP history lecturers Dr Cathryn Pearce and Dr Matthew Heaslip will be giving lectures in February and March next year! Lectures held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM (UTC) between October 2024 to March 2025. They will be held online (via zoom) and free to members of The Society For Nautical Research. To become a member see  https://snr.org.uk/become-a-member/  For queries see the convenor at: daisy.turnbull@myport.ac.uk. Lecture Schedule 9th October 2024 […]

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Graduation 2024 cropped

Graduation Day 2024

It is always a proud day for us as tutors to see students we have nurtured since they were freshers step up onto the podium to receive their degrees.  We love chatting to students after the ceremony to talk about their experience of the course, moved by the stories of students who have got there despite having to navigate difficult obstacles, catching up with students we taught several years ago, and hearing about what students are planning to do next.  It is also great to tell students how much we appreciated some of their wonderful final year work, which hardly seemed possible when they were the ‘noisy’ group of post-covid […]

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The Dragon Gun: secrets of a local South-East Asian treasure

On 29 November 2023 we were pleased to welcome Thomas Davies, Assistant Curator of Artillery at the Royal Armouries: Fort Nelson, to the University of Portsmouth as part of our History Research Group Seminar series. Thomas presented his paper on the Dragon Gun, the iconic cannon housed at Royal Armouries: Fort Nelson on Portsdown Hill.  The Dragon Gun was captured in Myanmar by the British Army in the 19th century and presented to the Prince of Wales. Today it can be viewed in Fort Nelson’s Art of Artillery gallery. The gun dates to the 18th century, is only one of four in the world, and has always been believed to […]

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Birmingham Museum Trust tapestry

The Lost Crafts of the Past

As part of their work on the second year core module ‘Working with the Past’, three University of Portsmouth History students – Chanel Parker, Loraya Head, and Gemma Norris – collaborated with Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery to curate a three-month exhibition that both celebrated the crafts of our ancestors and highlighted the importance of preserving the craftspeoples’ skills for future generations. In this blog, written for Hampshire Archives Trust, Chanel Parker discusses the research methods the group used when curating the exhibition. ‘Working with the Past’ is coordinated by Mike Esbester. To read the blog, click this link.   Slider image courtesy of Birmingham Museums Trust

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All set for the ceremony in Portsmouth Guildhall

Graduation 2023: A day to celebrate our students’ achievements!

Our students’ graduation day is always a special day for us tutors (and, of course, for our students and their families and friends, too!). This year it was even more special because it marked the success of our first cohort of students who started university at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite all the challenges they (and we) faced, they have succeeded and we are so proud of them all and their amazing achievements. This short blog features a few images taken on the day as we celebrated with our undergraduate and postgraduate students. Congratulations all! While graduation is always a day of mixed emotions – it’s exciting to […]

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‘Ports Cities in Comparative Global History’: Team members collaborate with researchers in Hong Kong

Earlier this month, a number of team members visited Hong Kong to participate in a series of institutional visits and present at an international conference on ‘Port Cities in Comparative Global History’ at Hong Kong Baptist University. To find out more about the conference, read this excellent blog by one of our PhD researchers, Charlotte Steffen, who presented their paper ‘Beyond China Town- The Multi-national Migration of Chinese Students in Europe’ on the second day of the event. The link to Charlotte’s blog is here.    

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