
University of Portsmouth's History Blog

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The different experiences of black and white women within the US feminist movement

Recent UoP history graduate Rebekah Sistig’s dissertation looked at how inherited racism divided members of the second-wave feminist movement in the USA.  She discusses her research below, with some good tips on breaking down the process. Rebekah’s supervisor was Dr Lee Sartain. Angela Davis, Betty Friedan, bell hooks and Gloria Steinem – all icons of […]

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Researching the role of the Western powers in concealing Japanese War Crimes

Recent UoP history graduate Benjamin Taylor wrote his third-year dissertation on Japanese war crimes, discovering that the US and other Western states played a far larger role in the cover-up than has been previously acknowledged.  Below he writes about the trial and error process of writing his dissertation, and how the guidance of his supervisor, […]

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Graduation Day 2024

It is always a proud day for us as tutors to see students we have nurtured since they were freshers step up onto the podium to receive their degrees.  We love chatting to students after the ceremony to talk about their experience of the course, moved by the stories of students who have got there […]

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The long-term impact of Japanese Imperialism in China, 1931-1945

Third-year UoP student Brandon Lawson used his dissertation study to discover more about Asian history in the twentieth century, a topic he felt deserved more attention in historical studies.  His dissertation was entitled Shadows of war: “Justice” and geopolitical tension caused by Japanese Imperialism on China, 1931-1945.  Brandon’s supervisor was Dr Rudolph Ng. The conquest […]

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